I am going through a quarter life crisis! Well, it was me trying to be a drama queen but the issue is sitting continuously around for 9 hours or more, 5 days a week has started to show off on me.
I could never understand female obsession with dieting, trying to look stick-thin, have flat board tummys and wear size 0. Until the reality hit..that I was gaining weight and needed to take measures. It started at the beginning of the year; at first, I was in delusion that a bit of fat wouldn’t hurt (thinking it was really needed!). But then coming from a family where mostly people don’t suffer from (over)weight issues, it was a real blow because at every meeting I would be reminded that I am becoming fat day by day. And now, sometimes people come up and tell me their stories of how they lost weight and what I can do. The weird part is that now that I’ve put on a few kgs, my BMI has become normal where previously it was always underweight. And the weirder thing is that I feel lethargic now then I used to be when I was studying and working at the same time.
So, I have a plan. Well, I have had this plan since the last 6 months but it never goes into play because remember the laziness I mentioned above. The plan was simple: Go for half an hour walks in the morning and then continue to increase this time. Issue is even when I get up early in the morning; I don’t feel like going out to walk or have the energy to do so and sleeping again seems the best idea at that time. As for strolling at home, it isn’t as charming. So, I am still trying to figure out what to do? Previously, I had tried doing the ab-crunches because they look really cool and have the potential to achieve more in less time. But, I gave up in two days because they took a lot of effort to perform. Then, I decided to stick to my first option of walking because I love to walk!
As for these days, I am cutting down in chocolates and fats (Haven’t had a bucket full of fries since ages:(:’( ! And I take the stairs whenever I can (lots of people can vouch for that!). Besides all these efforts, I am still eating as I used to do because there’s no way I can stop it, right! Discussing with others members of the fair sex, I realized all of us working are concerned or worried about the same issue! We all talk about walking, exercising daily, joining a gym and the likes but never get around to doing it because of lack of time or effort on our behalf!
Let us see what becomes of my plan of going back to size zero days! And if anyone has any safe ideas for achieving it in least possible time, do let me know :)!!!!

P.S No plans for achieving the above though!