Even though I am not at all into politics but living in Pakistan you do get sucked into the political affairs drama. When I first learned about the history of Pakistan in Class IX, I wondered if any head of our state left with grace and dignity except Jinnah(who died..and while searching for a link, I realized there's no official site for our father of nation :S). Otherwise, as far as I know no government was free from controversy. Prime Minister and President either had to be murdered, thrown out from office or the army would take over and impose martial law. And adding to this list now, is our dear old ex-President Musharraf, preacher of enlightened moderation, who decided to resign (I think this has happened for the first time because no matter what happens in our country, no ones leaves the kursee!) instead of facing impeachment charges.
All his supporters thought that being a soldier; he wouldn’t give in and leave his office but defend himself! Alas, it didn’t happen. However, I am surprised about the reaction from acquaintances and friends of mine who wanted him to stay. And then there are SMSes(?) going around saluting him and his efforts and wishing him luck. According to a survey, 63% of the Pakistanis were in favor of his resignation and since Pakistan’s literacy rate is around 40%, should I assume that the educated/literate class didn’t want him to leave..?
As for me, I considered him to be a lesser evil among the leaders we have. But will never forget (and forgive) his actions in Lal Masjid case and handing of Pakistani citizens to US of A in the name of ‘War against Terror’. He is/may be responsible for other erroneous decisions and mishaps such Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhaamd Chaudry suspension, Dr Abdul Qadeer case but nothing justifies killing innocent civilians or be a partner to it.
And now he’s off to Umra and may seek asylum in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, USA or Great Britain. [Source: Dawn News]. So it’s ma’as-salama, güle güle and goodbye Mr. ex-President.

As for me, I considered him to be a lesser evil among the leaders we have. But will never forget (and forgive) his actions in Lal Masjid case and handing of Pakistani citizens to US of A in the name of ‘War against Terror’. He is/may be responsible for other erroneous decisions and mishaps such Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Muhaamd Chaudry suspension, Dr Abdul Qadeer case but nothing justifies killing innocent civilians or be a partner to it.
And now he’s off to Umra and may seek asylum in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, USA or Great Britain. [Source: Dawn News]. So it’s ma’as-salama, güle güle and goodbye Mr. ex-President.
1 comment:
Well I never understand politics until I got the chance to work in multinationals (a good place to learn :D).
First it’s really sad to read that we don’t have a website for our Leader (because as always we forget what good person has done and deciding whether he was a Muslim or Parsi).
Being a strong supporter of Mushe, I still believe that he took a right decision in favor of nation and didn’t make it as his EGO issue.
At least it will show the original faces of two most corrupt feudal lords who again come in power by the courtesy of our LA-SHAOOOR AWAAM.
Coming to Lal Masjid issue which was fully supported by our media and nation, but now
we speak against it. Innocent people might be killed in that action, but what these innocent people were doing with ammunition in the mosque?
We cannot blame Mushe for Iftikhar Chaudry's suspension. Coz Shaukat Aziz(former PM) forwarded the charges against Chaudry to President and by law he has to sign anything forwarded by PM, he cannot refuse it. He can only be restored by the permission of PM. OK fine it was Mushe, now he is no more here, then why the delay??
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan's sacrifice will always be remembered, but again we only had two choices either to hand over him to America or keep him away from AQ Khan Laboratory.
Many people speak against assassination of Nawab Bugti, that he was a very educated man (he was educated at oxford). For their information Bugti committed his first murder at the age of 12(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akbar_Bugti), he owned two personal jails (http://pakistantimes.net/2005/03/22/top10.htm), no girl can marry without his permission in his area. If oxford literates have such behaviors then sorry, we don’t need them. OK it was again Mushe’s fault, why the current govt is launching operations in Sawat and different areas???
Except all of the above the points to be considered are:
-In last 20 years we didn’t had any political Leader.
-Again we had given our nation's future in the hands of feudal lords in name of democracy, by already knowing what they had done in past.
I am afraid that the current govt will not be able to control extremism and Pakistan will be taken over by Taliban soon.
I would like to close my text with the Shahzad Roy’s latest song LAGA REH LAGA REH TU LAGA REH… TU HAI EIK AAM AADMII … LAGA REH LAGA REH TU LAGA REH
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