And my sports streak is back again. Beijing Olympics 2008 has ended without our dear homeland winning a single medal. However, we did create a record of finishing 8th in hockey for the first time in Olympics. As the saying goes, "baad naam na hoon gaye tu kia naam na hoga." However, I think we would have all preferred the naam or in fact the inaam this time.
Nations which are less then or quarter to our size such as Togo, Jamaica, Trinidad/Tobago; or war ridden as Afghanistan; or much less prosperous then us like Ethiopia have made their countries proud by winning medals. If the countries with much less resources and development can strive for glory why can’t we try and use our energies in sports department? May be if our country provides better opportunities for sports and cultivate the gaming atmosphere, we might end up having less frustrated and misguided citizens (and possibly less suicide bombers!).
I loved the Olympics medal awarding ceremony where the winners’ country flags would be hoisted and national anthem played. Looking forward to seeing the “Parcham-e-sitar-0-hilal” flying high at Olympics and hearing the tune of “Pak sar zameen” at London, 2012 and beyond!
do u think this ideology of '...khailo gay kuudo gay..ho gay kharab..' has something to do with us not showing our real sportsmanship ;-) :-P
Don't lose hope...someday we just might see that 'sabz hilali parcham ' up there INshaAllah
Go!Pakistan :-)
Last i checked, we weren't in good books anywhere which would imply that we are quite good at sports :P
And yes totally optimistic about the future:)
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